Monday, 27 May 2013

Job-hunting and some advice to my children.


I am desperately seeking a new job opportunity. There are those that will tell you that this the not the best time to be job-hunting in the New South Africa. Over and above that to be fifty-nine years old, male and white does not make it any easier. That said and done, let me add, I am not blaming the situation for my predicament. The position that I find myself in is due to the decisions that I have made and the actions that I have taken.

You will not believe how many CV's I have sent out in response to vacant positions advertised on the web, I have honestly lost count, I still have count of the positive responses though - one, two interviews later they decided to outsource the work due to internal constraints. I still remain positive and today I was excited by a Strategic Brand Manager position that presented a fantastic challenge, I have duly submitted a well researched and well presented application. All at once "hold thumbs." 

Today I applied for a variety of other marketing and sales positions and cannot wait for some organisation to recognise my talents and to give me an opportunity to add value to their bottom line.

Some advice to my children (please pass on to your children one day)

This is advice that my father shared with me, I took some of it on board, but because I thought I knew better ignored some that I should have applied to my life.
  • Ignore the things that you cannot change and apply yourself to where you can make a difference
  • Excel in your studies, apply yourself to the best of your ability, develop a valuable skill and differentiate yourself from the masses
  • Be in your last job by the time you are thirty (and stay there)
  • A fool and his money are soon parted
  • Over and above your pension contributions save ten percent of your gross earnings at the beginning of each month to provide for your retirement. Invest these savings wisely (no get-rich quick schemes), the sooner you start this the better, make compound interest your best friend
  • Convert your aggression into valuable and creative outlets that contribute to your life 
  • Treat others as you wish that they would treat you
Thanks Dad, I wish that I had done a better job of listening and applying the valuable lessons that you shared with me. To my four children, Natasha, Roxanne, Christopher and Gregory please take Grandpa's advice. If I had, I would be in a far better position than I find myself in right now.

The Good Food and Wine Show

The Cape Town show is over for another year. When went back on Saturday for our second visit. The organisers Fierra Milano must be over the moon with the attendance. When we arrived at 15h00 on Saturday the queues were extremely long, the organisers stopped selling entrance tickets for long periods to allow the crowds inside the venue to dissipate. When we eventually found our way into the venue we were met with thousands of people all doing what we were attempting, to enjoy the show and see the merchandise at the various exhibitors. 

On Saturday it was most difficult to enjoy the show from a marketing and information gathering perspective. I got the feeling that most people were there to eat and drink as much of the free food and wine on offer as possible, this to get the value that they paid as an entrance fee. We are very glad that we went on Thursday as it gave us a far better opportunity to experience the show. We look forward to next years "bigger and better" show in an extended venue.
I enjoyed the Cookery Theatre at The Good Food and Wine Show.
Cape Town

For as long as I have been sharing via this medium I have been raving about the fantastic weather that we have been experiencing in Cape Town. I have also been warning that it could not last forever as we are now at the end of May. Well the rain arrived this past weekend and with it much cooler weather. 

Fortunately, Cape Town is beautiful in the winter as well. Less motorcycling, more time in the car, warm clothes, heaters, winter fires and the occasional glass of red wine from the Paarl and Robertson producing areas.

Until next time,

Ciao, Clive :-)

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