Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Why do you ride a motorcycle?


I am often asked by non-motorcyclists why I choose to ride a motorcycle. Too often I am at a loss of words to provide an answer that captures the excitement adequately. 

From the moment you fasten your helmet, push the start button and the ride to the destination. Every ride always feels a little to short, you wish you could do just a few more kilometers, never looking for the short-cut unless it is a more challenging road, the anticipation of a road never ridden before and the "feel-good" sensation one has at journeys end. That is all so difficult to put into words.

Track time at Killarney Raceway
A while back I saw a quotation that I felt encapsulated it well:

"Everything looks better through a motorcycle visor."

Since then when riding I often ponder the question, the smell of the farm, the sound of the sea, the beauty of the scenery and the sheer pleasure one gets of being out on your own as you proceed on the road. The above started me feeling that the above quotation was just not enough.

Earlier today I watched a short video on the Dubai Biker's site (link to the right), this video featured Shinya Kimura, a custom motorcycle builder. Shinya summed it up as follows:

"Running with my own legs has limited speed
  However, when you are on a motorcycle
  You get thrill and speed that multiply."

To me, that sums it up very well, I am sure that other motorcyclists would agree. Would it be enough to explain the excitement that we feel to non-motorcyclists, I am not so sure?

Chapman's Peak early on a Sunday morning
Many thanks Shinya, your words will be with me on every ride and I will keep searching for a sentence that best explains the feeling and the freedom of the ride.

Hout Bay from Chapman's Peak
Why do you ride a motorcycle?




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