Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Creative, Pro-active, Innovative and taking a Calculated Risk.


The entrepreneur, pushed or pulled? It does not matter, let's be entrepreneurial.

Creative thinking, creative behaviour, pragmatically exploring your passions, interests and desires with the goal of discovering something new, something novel and something exciting. Pro-actively scanning the patterns and trends in the environment for innovative (new and novel) ways of putting an idea, concept, product or process together to provide new solutions to a viable target market. Taking a calculated risk to make it a reality and then doing everything in your power to ensure success.

Your concept, vision or dream then needs to be placed in an organisational context that takes advantage of the opportunities and deals with the threats/obstacles in the business environment. The result of the above is your own entrepreneurial venture coupled with the rewards of independence, achievement, recognition, personal development and personal wealth.

Your idea, concept, product or process needs to have competitive advantage. The sources of competitive advantage are unique service features, notable product attributes, a good fit as regards price and value, customer convenience and a noteworthy customer experience.

It all begins with the creative process of interest, preparation, incubation, illumination, verification and exploitation (Kao).

It all starts now!

(Sources: Entrepreneurship, A South African Perspective, Nieman and Nieuwenhuizen and Corporate Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Morris, Kuratko and Covin).

No post will be complete without a few photographs of Cape Town.

Dam on top of the mountain from Constantia Nek side
So many don'ts .....
The view, False Bay in the distance
Exciting times ahead, have a great day!

Ciao, until next time,

Clive :-)

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